Book Chapters

de Oliveira Jayme, B. (2024). Community museums: Dialogical spaces for knowledge creation, mobilization and income generation for marginalized citizens in Brazil. In Propositions for Museum Education International Art Educators in Conversation. (Eds.) Anita Sinner, Patricia Osler and Boyd White.

de Oliveira Jayme, B., & Sanford, K. (2024). Museum hacking as a tool for critical and transformative pedagogy. In Promoting Inclusion and Justice in University Teaching A Transformative-Emancipatory Toolkit for Educators (130-150). T. Cappiali & J. Jean-Pierre. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Moore, S.D. M., de Oliveira Jayme, B., & Kathy Sanford, K. (2023). Malfunction: Regressive and deductive online assessment practices. Paolina Seitz, S. Laurie Hill. Assessment of Online Learners Foundations and Applications for Teacher Education. 85-100. Routledge

de Oliveira Jayme, B. (2022). Graffiti art workshops as a pedagogy of possible dreams. Clover, Darlene E.; Sanford, Kathy; Allen, Willow Samara. Academic project designs and methods: from professional development to critical and creative practice: 18-24. Published, University of Victoria Press.

de Oliveira Jayme, B. (2020).The heART of Engagement experiences of community created mobile art gallery in Brazil. In L. Levac & S. Wiebe. CCreating Spaces of Engagement.

de Oliveira, Jayme, B., Gough, K., Sanford, K., Monk, D., Mimick, K., O’Connor, C. (2016). Museum hacking as adult education: teachers creating disturbances and embracing dissonances. In D. E. Clover, K. Sanford, L. Bell & K. Johnson Adult (Eds.), Education, Museum, and Art Galleries: Animating Social, Cultural and Institutional Change (pp. 215–227).

Sanford, K., Monk, D., de Oliveira Jayme, B. (2016). Creating dialogue and unschooling education. In Voices from the Margins: Conversations about Schooling, Social Justice and Diversity.

Gutberlet, J., de Oliveira Jayme, B., Tremblay, C. (2016). Arts–Based and Participatory Action Research with Recycling Cooperatives. In Rowell, L., Bruce, C., Shosh, J. M., Riel, M. (Eds.), pp. 699–715. International Handbook of Action Research. Palgrave Macmillan US.

de Oliveira Jayme, B., Reis, & Roth, W.-M. in R. V. Nata (2011). Egomorphism: discursive pedagogical artifact for science education. Progress in education. Vol. 26. Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN 978-1-61324-321-3

Roth, W.-M, Ardenghi, D., Boyer, L., Emad, G., Hsu, P.-L., de Oliveira Jayme, B., Kim, M., Pozzer-Ardenghi, L., Reis, G., Stith, I., & van Eijck, M. in K. Tobin & J. Kincheloe (2007.) Being, becoming, belonging: life in an international research group, by Roth, (Series Eds.) & S. M. Ritchie (Vol. Ed.), Bold visions in education research. Vol. 19. Research collaboration: Relationships and praxis (133–158), Rotterdam: Sense.